Advance birthday wishes images

Advance birthday wishes : Birthday is a very special day and we all like to wish our friends and family and other related people close to us. We can also wish them or greet them in advance with birthday cards and wishes for friends and family. So let us see some of the best advance birthday wishes for friends and family which we can send them before birthday day.

These advance birthday wishes, advance birthday messages, advance birthday quotes are very useful greeting messages and can be share through social media apps like facebook or whatsapp.

Advance birthday wishes for friends and family

Advance birthday wishes images
Advance birthday wishes images

Also read: Thanks for birthday wishes

Since I will be missing your birthday party, I am very sad. I know that even you, will feel very bad. But there is nothing more I can do, than to send my wishes in advance to you. I am sorry that I won’t be able to make it, but believe me even I will miss it to bits. I think you are too advanced and modern for our time so I m greeting you way ahead. Advance happy birthday! I wish that you get all the things you want, not just for your birthday, but for your whole life. Happy Birthday wishes

I have news for you, good and bad. The bad news is I won’t be able to attend your birthday party because I will be on a trip. That’s why I’m sending you my birthday wishes in advance. On the other hand, my good news is that, I will be able to buy nice gifts for you there. Hope you’ll have a great party.

Advance Happy birthday wishes

advance birthday wishes images and pics
advance birthday wishes images and pics

Also read: Happy Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend

This message is to let you know that even though I will be travelling on your birthday, my mind and my heart will be with you on your special day. Happy birthday in advance. I plan to make you feel extra special on your birthday by wishing you in three phases. Phase one just got over with my advance birthday wishes for you. Phase two will be completed with my wishes on your birthday and phase three will be my belated birthday wishes for you. Happy birthday.

I want to thank God for He gave you another year to create special moments with me. I want to have a toast with you in advance because I won’t be able to have a moment with you on your special day. Cheers, for the birthday celebrant.

Advance birthday wishes images and pictures


A few days from now, you will be celebrating your birthday. We are getting older. But I’m still happy by the thought we’re still friends. I’m wishing you a happy birthday in advance. I hope nothing will change between us. I know I will miss the one day of the year when you would really want me by your side, but I promise I’ll make it up in the 364 days that follow. Happy birthday in advance. To get more wishes click here wishes images

Your birthday is too special to be celebrated for just one day, so let’s begin the party right away. Happy birthday in advance.